Payment Method

Our payments platform is powered by Strip.  Used by millions of businesses, you be confident that your information is secure when making your on-line purchase.

More information

See below for information about the payment options

Sales Tax

All prices are subject to sales tax based on your location. (GST, HST or PST).

Choose how to pay for your product

Our payment system supports the most commonly used methods of payment. All you have to do is just select the type of card you want to pay with.

  • Accept all major debit and credit cards
  • Bank Debits

Other forms of payments can include E-transfer

If you are interested in paying via E-transfer, please reach out to the office. All orders will not be processed until payment has been fully accepted.

No money loss

The total will be charged to your card when the order is shipped. You can return any item purchased on Bylsma Imports within 20 days of the delivery date. If you are faced any difficulties while making a purchase, contact us for help.